Đặt lịch khám

Does consuming starchy foods cause you to gain weight?

Does consuming starchy foods cause you to gain weight?


Currently, overweight and obesity are becoming public health problems not only in developed countries but also in developing countries, including Vietnam. Because of that, many people have applied different weight loss methods, including low-starch diet, to reduce or maintain the weight. This method is derived from the low-carb diet, which is very popular on social networks in recent years. Low-carb means low carbohydrate; however, in Vietnamese it has been translated as a “low-starch” diet, which misleads people about "starchy foods”.

thuc an nhieu tinh bot lam tang can?

“Starchy food” causes weight gain?

Indeed, we need to understand that carbohydrates include:

- Simple form (sweet taste), including: sucrose, syrup, malt sugar.
- Complex form (composed of sugars): starchy foods, including rice, potatoes, corn, breads.

Not all foods in the carbohydrate group need to be restricted. Only the simplex carbohydrate (sucrose, syrup, malt sugar) should be restricted because these substances are rapidly absorbed into the body, stimulate the process of fat accumulation in the body. In addition, these substances trigger the hunger, and this stimulates the consumption of more foods. As the result, people who like sweet food often look chubby and are more likely to have belly fat.

Regarding to starchy foods, you should eat as enough as your requirement because they are the main energy source for the body. In addition, starchy foods are the source of many B vitamins and fiber.

an du thua bat cu thuc pham nao deu dan toi nguy co tang can

Excessive consumption of any food can lead to weigh gain

In general, weight gain is the result of consuming more energy than the body needs. Consequently, eating too much any kinds of food, including meat/fish/eggs, fats, starches, even fruits and vegetables, can lead to weight gain. Thus, to reduce or maintain a healthy weight, we need to:

- Limit foods with added sugar, such as sweet soup, jam, food candy, soft drinks.
- Decrease the amount of sugar in your diet every day.
- Read food labels and pay attention to foods with added sugars, such as dipping sauces, marinade sauces, dressing sauces.
- Should eat whole grains cereals, such as brown rice, whole meal bread, corn, rather than the refined grains.
- Eat enough vegetables and fruits at every meal to ensure adequate fiber, long lasting and effective control of hunger.
- Only eat lean meat, do not eat offal, skin, animal fats.
- Restrict fried foods. If deep- or stir-frying food, use vegetable oil such as soybean oil, olive oil, do not use animal fat (even fish fat).


Tran Thi Ngoc Chau, MSc.
Head of Nutrition Department, American International Hospital

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