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With lifestyle changes and aging, osteoarthritis is increasingly common, especially in the elderlies. In particular, although hip osteoarthritis is not as common as knee osteoarthritis, it also accounts for a significant proportion of causing pain, articular structural changes and can result in disability if not treated intensively.  
So what are the causes, symptoms and treatment of hip osteoarthritis, let's find out with the American International Hospital (AIH)!
► Overview of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis occurs when the meniscus is destroyed, exposing bone surfaces and rubbing against each other. These friction and irritation can cause articular inflammation and pain, leading absence of joint mobility. In addition, degenerative meniscus may include: growth of osteophytes around the affected joint or periarticular ligaments and muscles become weaker and stiffer.
► How does osteoarthritis affect the hip joint?
The patients with hip osteoarthritis have difficult ambulation occasionally. Inititally , making a diagnosis maybe difficult as the pain occurs in several locations, including the hip, thigh, buttock or knee. The pain is normally aching, sharping or persistent and the hip becomes stiff.
► Causes of hip osteoarthritis
Primary causes: Joint injuries are triggered by aging and overweight.

Secondary causes:
  • Abnormal formation of the hip joint at birth
  • Congenital cartilage deformities
  • Hip joint injuries are caused by motion, physical exercise or hip-associated activities.
  • History of hip rheumatoid arthritis , arthritis spondylitis, ....
Hip osteoarthritis due to other diseases’ complications such as gout, diabetes, hemoglobinopathies, ....
► Symptoms of hip osteoarthritis
  • Joint stiffness occurs when you get out of bed.
  • Joint stiffness after long sitting.
  • Pain or swelling in the hip joint.
  • Hearing or feeling “crepitus” of bones rubbing together.
  • Unable to move your hip to perform daily activities.
► How iship osteoarthritis diagnosed?
  • X-ray
  • CT-scan or MRI ( depending on the case)
► Howiship osteoarthritis treated?
Hip osteoarthritis treatment mainly aims to improve hip mobility and pain management, consisting of:
  • Have a rest and joint care
  • Use walking aids (crutches, sticks,..) to reduce weightbearing on the influenced hip.
  • Maintain proper body weight
  • Physiotherapy
  • Medication treatment: acetaminophen (Tylenol), NSAIDs: ibuprofen (Advil) or painkillers as prescribed.
  • Osteotomy is given to limit osteophyte formation or joint deformity.
  • Partial hip replacement is performed when the hip joint is partialy damanged or abrased cartilage.
  • Total hip replacement is performed to replace hip prosthesis which has the similar function to spontaneous joint. This surgery is usually indicated in extremely severe patients who are over 60 years normally with severe pain.
 ► What should you do to preventhip osteoarthritis?
  • Maintain proper body weight
  • Regular physical exercise to strengthen the muscles surrounding hip joint.  This can prevent cartilage tear and erosion.
  • Maintain proper diet and daily activities
Hip osteoarthritis can lead to serious complications if it is not diagnosed and treated intensively. Hence, when you have suspicious signs of hip osteoarthritis, immediate doctor visit is advised to get a diagnosis and plan for effective treatment.

For checkup and consultation at AIH:
☎️ Hotline: (028) 3910 9999 
🌏 Website: www.aih.com.vn 
📍 Address: (Entrance from 199 Nguyen Hoang Street) No.6, Bac Nam 3 Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

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