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In any delivery, there is always a need for close coordination between the Obstetrics and Pediatrics departments to care for and timely detect abnormalities in both the mother and the neonate.

At the American International Hospital (AIH), a case was recently recorded of a male newborn, 1 hour old, full-term birth by cesarean section with a congenital imperforate anus. Within the first 24 hours of life, multidisciplinary pediatricians screened for other defects such as spinal, cardiovascular, urinary, genital, and neurological issues... The child was quickly stabilized before surgery and underwent surgical anoplasty at just 1 day old. After the surgery, the baby was monitored and cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit. During 7-day length of stay, the baby’s health stabilized; baby fed well, and the reconstructed anus functioned properly. Currently, the baby continues to be monitored regularly and undergoes anal dilation as prescribed by doctors.

Surgical anoplasty for neonate at AIH

► Can anorectal malformations in newborns be detected early?

According to 2nd-degree specialist, Dr. Nguyen Quang Anh – Head of the surgical team stated, Imperforate anus is a congenital malformation in which a baby is born without an anus, and there may or may not be a fistula from the recto-anal pouch to surrounding areas (perineum, urinary tract, or genital organs). It is a rare congenital malformation in newborns, occurring at a rate of 2-2,5/10,000 live births. 

*Normal structure of the male rectum and anus (bladder, urethra, penis, rectum, anus)
*Imperforate anus with a fistula to the skin in males (bladder, rectum, urethra, perineal fistula, anal sphincter)

Prenatal ultrasound is very difficult to detect if the fetus has anal stenosis or imperforate anus. Therefore, the examination and screening of the newborn immediately after birth play an extremely important role in helping to diagnose and establish timely treatment plans. Children with imperforate anus, if not surgically treated in time, may encounter dangers due to complications such as intestinal perforation, sepsis… leading to death.

*Anorectal malformations in female and male children

► Effective interdisciplinary coordination, ready to treat difficult cases.

At the American International Hospital (AIH), there is a strong emphasis on close interdisciplinary collaboration between Obstetrics and Pediatrics right from the pregnancy stage, which helps manage the pregnancy effectively and ensures a smooth delivery process. Both mother and baby receive attentive and timely care. For all cases of routine prenatal check-ups, if any prenatal malformations are detected (such as neurological, gastrointestinal, urinary, cardiovascular malformations, or tumors), the expectant mother and her relatives are provided with consultations from leading experts in fetal malformations and a detailed monitoring plan is established throughout the pregnancy.

At the same time, 100% of births at AIH, whether or not there are any prior abnormalities, are screened by pediatricians - neonatologists for the baby right from birth. With experience in caring for newborns, the top team of experts including surgeons, anesthesiologists, neonatal resuscitation doctors, physiotherapists, and pediatric nutritionists at AIH will collaborate to care for newborn cases with conditions requiring special treatment support.

With modern apparatus and equipment, the OR1 operating room system meets international standards, along with a team of experienced surgeons and anesthesiologists who have been working at major children’s hospitals, we are ready to treat congenital malformations from simple to complex cases immediately after detection, helping to shorten treatment duration and avoid missing the golden time for surgery. In unusual cases requiring special care, the baby will be promptly transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for specialists to monitor treatment. With the collaboration of multiple specialties, abnormal malformations requiring intervention in newborns are quickly detected and treated early.
To schedule an appointment at AIH, please contact the Hotline (028) 3910 9999 or send message to the Fanpage “AIH – American International Hospital” for detailed consultation.
For checkup and consultation at AIH:
☎️ Hotline: (028) 3910 9999 
🌏 Website: www.aih.com.vn
📍 Address: (Entrance from 199 Nguyen Hoang Street) No.6, Bac Nam 3 Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.
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Khoa phụ sản

Obstetrics And Gynecology

Nguyễn Quang Diễn (Dr.)

Nguyễn Quang Diễn (Dr.)

Khoa hồi sức cấp cứu

Emergency Medicine

Trần Thanh Khoa (Dr.)

Trần Thanh Khoa (Dr.)

Khoa phụ sản

Obstetrics And Gynecology

Huỳnh Hoàng Anh (Dr.)

Huỳnh Hoàng Anh (Dr.)

Khoa nhi

Hồ Thị Quế Hương (Dr.)

Hồ Thị Quế Hương (Dr.)

Khoa chẩn đoán hình ảnh

Imaging (Radiology)

Đỗ Ngọc Đức (Dr.)

Đỗ Ngọc Đức (Dr.)

Khoa nhi